i'm no low-level programmer or engineer, but i've made use of more high-level tools to, uh... make other tools. here are some.
FL Studio Patcher tools
i've created some tools for my own use in FL Studio's Patcher. no downloads at this point; maybe later. i'm still working on them. there are more than i've listed here, but these ones actually have GUIs lol
petri's tool
prerequisite plugins: none (FL stock only)
a "mastering" "tool" that enables you to make targeted cuts and boosts at conventionally-inadvisable intensities. it's probably not transparent at default values. stylish clown shoes for aspiring mastering engineers!

prerequisite plugins: none (FL stock only)
effects processor to make signals, especially vocals, sound like those in the Splatoon games, essentially mimicking that processing. it's a tri-slosher because it has three knobs. for eel! i developed this in order to make high-effort Splatoon shitposts / song pastiches that never caught on (1, 2). oh well.