petriform - home

it's petriform's homepage.

or something along those lines.

i'm a musician. mostly chiptune. i do other stuff, too. read all about it!

most recent update

11 september 2024: design update and r.i.p. cohost

welp, it was fun while it lasted! cohost will functionally cease on october 1st. sucks! as a friend of mine put it, this was the Good Website. you've almost certainly read more eulogies, anecdotes, grievances, and shade thrown at cohost since the announcement a couple of days ago, so i won't bore you with my own other than to say that, although not free of flaws, it was far and away better than the alternatives, and it sucks that it's going away. a better internet is possible, kind of, maybe.

neocities, of course, remains a Good Website, and regrettably, i've been neglecting it. with the state of the internet these days as it is, that's gotta change.

as i write this, my Virtual Boy x Game Boy album "Familal Verses" is imminent; it'll launch within days of this update. accordingly, i've redesigned my neocities in alignment with the new album's colors and logos and Branding™ or whatever you wanna call it. more importantly, i've made sure all the content pages here actually, you know, have content. there's more content to come, though. like many of you, i tire of hearing, reading, and typing the word "content", so i'll stop there. "The Site Will Be Gooder Soon 👍!"

things off-neocities that i'm working on include a patreon-style subscription (platform tbd). i was looking to cohost for this. i want a place where i can write long-form stuff about my processes and perspectives on my own work and whatnot, as well as relevant production tutorials and maybe exclusive streams? and i can't imagine an audience for that other than those who are generously inclined to support what i do. i also want, ideally, to just turn around and spend proceeds from that on others' patreons or similar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ art makes the world go round, babey !! so look forward to that soonish maybe.

that's it for now. fuck the internet; i love the internet.

prior updates

there were only ever placeholders here. sorry to disappoint.